Recent Posts

Gleninchiquin Falls and the Uragh Stone Circle

Gleninchiquin Falls and the Uragh Stone Circle

After driving through Killarney National Park we took a detour down to the Beara Peninsula to see Gleninchiquin Falls. I had emailed the private park a few days before we left but no one ever got back to me, so we had no way of knowing how much it was going to cost to...

Killarney National Park

Killarney National Park

After our stops at Muckross House and the Torc waterfall, the weather improved slightly as we meandered through Killarney National Park. The N71 took us past many small lakes and beautiful viewpoints. We parked at this old church and took a short walk to some...

text message etiquette

I sent a text message to my sister early yesterday morning so she would call me on her way to work and the following conversation ensued... Me: [Call me!] Her: calls me immediately, worried, "What's wrong!" Me: "Nothing, I meant [Call me!] as a casual request. Just...

Muckross House and Torc Waterfall

Muckross House and Torc Waterfall

Our first stop on the second day after a hearty breakfast at our B&B on our way through Killarney National Park was the Muckross House. We decided not to do the house tour but instead walked around the grounds all the while becoming damper and damper in the misty...

those days you live and don’t get a chance to blog about

Yeah, it's been one of those days. I only got halfway through the Ireland post I was going to write because I got two calls today about a total of four dog portraits I am being commissioned to do before Christmas. I was also recreating a poster I created for a...

Back from Ireland

Most of the day was seemingly spent on a plane of one sort or another. As we took off we had a quick view of the Irish coast, then it was clouds and ocean for several thousand miles. In flight we caught up on several episodes of Dr. Who, Season three (loving it!), and...

first day in Ireland, Cliffs of Moher

We arrived on-time at Shannon airport, quite a surprise considering all the delayed flights into the northeast on Friday night! Upon arrival, we surveyed the Irish weather to see what options we had for sightseeing. It took us a little time to rent the car at the...

a local restaurant, Toast

In the midst of throwing together my bags and papers before the flight yesterday, I met my friend at Toast in downtown Durham for lunch. The first time I attempted to eat here I was thwarted by a sign stating the restaurant was closed for a week back in the summer....

Our Itinerary

2024 Trips

San Diego, CA (Jan)
Sarasota, FL (Feb)
Madrid, Spain (Mar)
Valencia, Spain (Mar+Apr)
Palma, Mallorca (Apr)
Croatia (May)
Long Island, NY (July)
Faroe Islands (Aug)
London, UK (Sept)
Bari, Italy (Sept)
Rome, Italy (Oct)
Frankfurt, Germany (Oct)
Grand Rapids, MI (Nov)

2022 Trips

Florida (Feb)
NC Mountains (Apr)
Washington DC (Apr)
Valencia, Spain (May)
Hilton Head, SC (May)
Pacific NW (Jun)
Long Island (Jul)
Florida (Sept)
Chicago (Sept)
Poland (Sept)
NC Mountains (Nov)
Euro Xmas Markets (Dec)


Eric and Leandra in Orient Point, NY :)

Hello! This website chronicles the travel adventures of a computational biologist and a WordPress website developer (with past entries of our 😇 rescued mini schnauzers, Riesling and Pasha).

We’ve steadily increased our travel over the last several years and that is the focus of our blog currently, but you can read older ‘daily life‘ and ‘canine‘ posts by clicking on those links.


Eric and Leandra in Orient Point, NY :)