Blog posts from Canine
Pasha, in memoriam

Pasha, in memoriam

Today we mourn our special Pasha, also known as "Pasha bear", "sweet girl", and in her prime as "Squirrels Bane". We've known her all of her 15 years, and adopted her for the last 9. In her time...

Riesling, in memoriam

Riesling, in memoriam

There is a hole in our souls today as we mourn the loss of our beloved pup Riesling. We always said that she lived up to her name, as she was often sweet (champion snuggle-monster) and sometimes...

Riesling, lost & found

Riesling, lost & found

Back in early September (during our trip to Canada) our house-sitter let Riesling out into the backyard unattended and she wandered off. She was missing for three nights and even writing this now I...

A family of four…

A family of four…

If you follow either of us on social media, you may have noticed an extra dog has been showing up in our photos lately... So, say hello to Pasha - the newest member of our family! She is also a mini...

Happy 13th Birthday!

Happy 13th Birthday!

Our furry child turns 13 today. That's about 65 in dog years but you would never know by the way she approaches her daily two-mile walks. We've been through a lot of long car trips, hikes, stuffed...

Riesling’s 12th.

Riesling’s 12th.

She started out with a 5 mile walk this morning and ended the day with a monster beef bone from the butcher. Not a bad way to spend a birthday... happy 12th little one!  

Christmas 2012: family time

Christmas 2012: family time

We've been driving up to NY for the last several years to spend Christmas with Eric's family and this year we finally made it a little easier on ourselves with the addition of an EZ-Pass. Any time...

Asheville 2012: views

Asheville 2012: views

Last weekend we packed up the Vue, put Riesling in the back seat, and drove out to Asheville to enjoy some hiking amongst the fall color. We hit six waterfalls between Dupont Forest, Pisgah Forest...

Happy 11th Birthday!

Happy 11th Birthday!

A certain furry someone in our family turns 11 years old today. Everyone who meets her is surprised when I tell them how old she is and we hope she has many more high-energy years ahead of her!...

outdoor living is easy

outdoor living is easy

We've really been enjoying the screened porch the last several weeks. Even when it's been warm and muggy, we can turn the fan on and there's an instant breeze. Add a glass of wine and a good book...

quick backsplash project

quick backsplash project

Back in November, we E&L Gallery with a new water saver toilet, new floors, new vanity, fresh coat of paint and new hardware. before and after Last weekend, we picked up two mosaic tile options...

yeah, I’d say she’s better

yeah, I’d say she’s better

Nearly 4 weeks ago Riesling had her shoulder surgery. Besides the scar that is mostly healed, she's doing quite well as the following video attests: Her paper shredding was followed by a two+ mile...

Riesling is on the mend

Riesling is on the mend

The week before we left for London, we found out that pup had a mast cell tumor on her right shoulder. It was cancerous and needed to be removed, so we scheduled the surgery for the day after we got...

Hanging Rock State Park

Hanging Rock State Park

Leandra's brother Ryan and his girlfriend Emily came to visit us for Thanksgiving, and after all the turkey we were in need of some outdoor time. Hanging Rock State Park is only about 2 hours away,...

Merry Christmas!

A certain furry member of our family really enjoys opening her own gifts. We took a quick break mid-morning for mimosas and quiche and then jumped right back into opening presents! Well, most of us...

waterfall hiking with two dogs

Last weekend we had planned a drive up to Blowing Rock for a little waterfall hiking due to heavy rainfall in NC the week before. Due to extraordinary circumstances, we also brought our friend's...

West Virginia waterfalls, day 2

We were able to get an early start out of Beckley and headed east on I-64 to the Sandstone area for our first two falls of the day. Brooks Falls was rather underwhelming, but Sandstone Falls (below)...

dinner antics

Riesling has taken to "killing" various toys which she then presents to me for both breakfast and dinner. I can only imagine that this is her idea of a trade. :) These antics are ramped up...

Our Itinerary

2024 Trips

San Diego, CA (Jan)
Sarasota, FL (Feb)
Madrid, Spain (Mar)
Valencia, Spain (Mar+Apr)
Palma, Mallorca (Apr)
Croatia (May)
Long Island, NY (July)
Faroe Islands (Aug)
London, UK (Sept)
Bari, Italy (Sept)
Rome, Italy (Oct)
Frankfurt, Germany (Oct)
Grand Rapids, MI (Nov)
London, UK (Dec)
Manchester, UK (Dec)

2022 Trips

Florida (Feb)
NC Mountains (Apr)
Washington DC (Apr)
Valencia, Spain (May)
Hilton Head, SC (May)
Pacific NW (Jun)
Long Island (Jul)
Florida (Sept)
Chicago (Sept)
Poland (Sept)
NC Mountains (Nov)
Euro Xmas Markets (Dec)