Blog posts from Art

Memorial Day barkfest

We were invited to spend the afternoon with about 15 other mini schnauzers for a Memorial Day cookout, and we couldn't turn down the opportunity to let Riesling off leash in a fenced backyard. Did I...

mother’s day

The title of this post was going to be "cheeseburgers from heaven" when I had thought about writing it a few weeks ago. But it's Mother's Day today and the fact that I've been without mine for...

what exactly do you do?

At first I wasn't sure if I should post a business-related q&a on our personal blog, but then again, I spend most of my day working so you may as well know what the heck that actually means for...

getting around, the benefits of a ZurichCard

Considering we have only four years of high school German between the two of us, it was a good thing the transportation system in Zurich was so easy to follow. Even though we were only there for two...

a travel collage

For Christmas, we got two sets of these. I originally saw them over here. And all these lovely photos are posted here. :) Yes, our bedroom walls are bright purple.

Our recent absence

We've been a bit absent from posting the past two weeks, mostly because we've been very busy. Here's what we've been up to: Leandra has gone "official" with her creative and web design business,...

Landscapes from the Age of Impressionism

This evening we spent some time looking at works by Monet and others at the North Carolina Museum of Art. We prefer to go to these special exhibitions on Member Mondays when it's not nearly as...

first prize for biggest ears!

This past Saturday, pup and I attended SchnOctoberFest to support the wonderful folks who made Riesling's rescue possible. This year I donated a custom pet portrait as a raffle prize and I was...


Today while Eric and his parents were scoping out the farmer's market, I spent an hour sweating in the hot sun painting with chalk on the ground for groundSPARK, a street painting festival in...

this little adventure could turn into a business

So, I mentioned a week ago that I decided to donate a custom portrait to the schnauzer rescue fundraiser in a few weeks. I also decided to have business cards made up with my latest painting... I...

Jeter’s portrait

After Riesling's portrait was finished, I started looking for other dogs to paint. My in-law's yorkie, Jeter, was a natural choice as we have a ton of photos of him. Take a look at my art blog, to...

a portrait of Riesling

Two months ago, I received an email from a woman who found me through the NCSR rescue page for pup. She wondered if I did pet portraits and I truthfully said I hadn't in the past, but was planning...

my new art blog

I've decided to move the majority of posts about my artwork over to my brand new art blog. Please check it out if you have enjoyed seeing my artwork pop up from time to time in this space. I'll be...

different definitions of productive

In the last two days I've read an entire Harry Potter book and completely redesigned my personal website. I am waaaay behind on the Harry Potter craze and although I have seen (and loved) the first...

la vie en rose

Eric was playing this song while I was finishing up my latest painting and the name stuck. Translated to mean, "life in pink." This one is fairly large, 16 x 20 inches. My normal technique involves...

moleskine journal

I bought a little moleskine last year, but after this first drawing, put it away for a while. About two weeks ago, I decided to make better use of my lunch hours... The result is my current set on...

the finished pansy

I started a new painting last week and finished it up enough to bring to my meeting on Saturday. I took in some helpful advice and added a bright blue sunburst background which I think really makes...

Our Itinerary

2024 Trips

San Diego, CA (Jan)
Sarasota, FL (Feb)
Madrid, Spain (Mar)
Valencia, Spain (Mar+Apr)
Palma, Mallorca (Apr)
Croatia (May)
Long Island, NY (July)
Faroe Islands (Aug)
London, UK (Sept)
Puglia, Italy (Sept)
Rome, Italy (Oct)
Frankfurt, Germany (Oct)
London, UK (Dec)
Manchester, UK (Dec)

2022 Trips

Florida (Feb)
NC Mountains (Apr)
Washington DC (Apr)
Valencia, Spain (May)
Hilton Head, SC (May)
Pacific NW (Jun)
Long Island (Jul)
Florida (Sept)
Chicago (Sept)
Poland (Sept)
NC Mountains (Nov)
Euro Xmas Markets (Dec)