Blog posts from Art

the finished pansy

I started a new painting last week and finished it up enough to bring to my meeting on Saturday. I took in some helpful advice and added a bright blue sunburst background which I think really makes...

working on a new painting

Now that I have a little free time (no more photos to edit!), I started a new painting... The above progress is the result of about 40 minutes of "art time" before Lost came on last night. :) I...

my favorite part of science… drawing?

I was the student with the multicolor pens rendering careful and colorful illustrations in all my lab books throughout college. In fact, my lab grades always boosted my overall grade in the course....

art on display

Some folks at work planned a craft fair this afternoon to let all of us co-workers show off our artistic abilities. People brought in knitting, beadwork, quilting, chocolate creations, and...

Monet exhibit

We are lucky enough to be members of one of only three museums in the country that will be hosting this massive international exhibit. And while Monet isn't my favorite painter of all time, I...

here goes nothing…

I entered two paintings into a juried exhibition recently, my first one in a long while. Eric has naming privileges as he always manages to come up with great titles—the first one is "Center of...


Leandra drawing in her new moleskine notebook while listening to BBC Radio 1.

this post brought to you by DayQuil

Since I've been confined to the couch I have gotten a lot of pictures sorted and posted while Eric has been working in the yard. Thankfully, the Princess Bride was on AMC today as I was running out...

home sick

I stayed home today because my lymph nodes are so sore and swollen that I am having trouble swallowing. I woke up at the normal time and made myself some tea but Eric took one look at me and sent me...