a book report on Earth: the sequel

by | Oct 16, 2008 | Daily life, Geek

I just finished reading “Earth: The Sequel: The Race to Reinvent Energy and Stop Global Warmingand I came away from it really inspired by all the different ideas people have to limit, and even end, CO2 emissions. The authors argue for a carbon cap and trade system and spend most of the book laying out their rationale. I was particularly impressed by their arguments that we currently ignore the health and environmental problems of using certain fuels in many current cost analyses.

Even if you don’t care about the politics, funding mechanisms, or even the rationale for cleaner energy sources, their descriptions of the entreprenuers tackling these problems is still a great tour of small to medium-sized startup companies. In doing so, the authors demonstrate how it can be very profitable to go green, and how rewarding market forces is the key to solving many energy related issues. Definitely a recommended read.

Tagged with: book review

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