august 31

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Our LA photos are up!

august 30

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Despite tropical storm Gaston's best efforts we arrived in Raleigh just about on time to conclude our cross country tour this evening. Visiting everyone was wonderful and I am glad to be back on my own couch catching up on snail mail and online comics. I have edited all the photos from our trip already, but I'm waiting for my hosting folks to upgrade our account so we'll have enough disk space. The LA photos will be up as soon as possible, but our day trip to Orient Beach State Park and the Wowak family reunion have been posted. Enjoy.

august 27

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Our flight from Los Angeles to Islip was fairly uneventful, although our "TSA approved" luggage lock was "lost" on the way. Considering these things are about $10 each, I am not pleased. Regardless, we've been relaxing a bit and visiting with lots of folks on Long Island. We got to hang out with my best friend Jess and her boyfriend last night over dinner in Riverhead and we met her again in Greenport this afternoon for a snack and gallery tour. Tomorrow, we have all the Wowak siblings joining us for dinner in a family reunion of sorts.

Jeter has been wearing himself and us out in the meantime.

august 21

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We are having a wonderful time hanging out with Ryan, teaching him to cook, and seeing some of the nicer aspects of Los Angeles. We toured the Palos Verdes Peninsula on Thursday, saw the Body Worlds exhibit at the California Science Center on Friday and hiked through the Zuma Canyon area in the Santa Monica Mountains this afternoon. Below is a photo of the Hermosa Beach pier, one of three piers we've been on since we arrived.

august 14

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More cheeky squirrels, except these guys (unlike the ones in Athens) are actually eating the seed we put out. Eric was standing out on the deck about three feet away while taking this shot.

august 9

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I've posted the UNC botanical garden photos here. Enjoy!

august 8

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We've been on two bike rides and I am just loving it... my legs ache a bit but it's the good kind of pain, the kind that makes me want to pop in my Pilates DVD and get back in shape again.

We visited the UNC botanical gardens yesterday, coming away with some great photos and only one mosquito bite on my part. I'll be posting photos shortly.

august 5

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I'd like to introduce you to our new wheels. Eric is planning our first bike ride as I sit here writing this...

My innocent attempt to have my art website added to the city's listing page for local artists has been dismissed by the webmaster. She stated it wouldn't be in her best interest give her competition (me!) free advertising. Obviously this local artist page listing is only for people who are not a threat to the webmaster. Interesting. I wasn't planning on doing a lot (if any) freelance work here, but that may change now.

This is a sorry-looking cardinal that has been hanging around our deck. I hope it's molting and not mites that have made him so unattractive.

august 4

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Ok, everybody it's apartment photo time! Click here to see the layout of our new apartment along with before and after photos. Enjoy!

august 3

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The photo below was taken about 20 minutes ago from our living room out our back door. We like North Carolina.

And here are the photos we took at the Duke Botanical Gardens today in between the oil change for my car at the friendly local Saturn dealership and getting our Orange County library cards.

august 2

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We added a few things to our new to us section after a trip to Linens N' Things this afternoon. Then we took a hiatus from the apartment unpacking by seeing Spiderman 2. We ordered a pizza at the place next door to take home and browsed the local market while we waited.

Oh, and we finally found the glass plate for the microwave!

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